4 Most Zodiac Signs That Struggle with Jealousy Over Others’ Success

Do you ever feel a little jealous when someone you know does something amazing? It’s okay—it’s a normal feeling! Some people feel it more than others, and this can be true for certain zodiac signs. They aren’t bad people; they just find it harder to deal with others’ success. Let’s talk about the zodiac signs that often struggle with jealousy and why it happens.


Cancers are super emotional and sensitive. They feel everything deeply, which makes them loving and kind, but it can also make them jealous. When they see someone doing well, they might feel left out or wonder if they’re good enough.

Cancers often compare themselves to others, especially when it comes to things they really care about, like family, relationships, or work. Their jealousy comes from self-doubt, not from wanting bad things for others. Deep down, they’re happy for you—they just need a little time to sort through their feelings.


Leos love attention and being admired. They like to shine, so when someone else is in the spotlight, it can make them feel a little jealous.

Leos are confident, but they sometimes worry about losing their place as the center of attention. If someone else is successful, they might feel like they’re being forgotten. However, Leos have big hearts, and once they get over their jealousy, they’ll cheer you on louder than anyone else!


Scorpios are super passionate and determined. They set big goals for themselves and work hard to achieve them. But when they see someone else succeed, especially in something they care about, they can’t help but feel a bit jealous.

Scorpios are naturally competitive, so their jealousy is more about wanting to push themselves harder. They don’t wish bad luck on others—they just want to succeed, too. With time, they usually turn their jealousy into motivation to do better.


Capricorns are known for their hard work and big ambitions. They set high goals and work day and night to achieve them. But when someone else succeeds faster, it can make them feel frustrated or jealous.

Capricorns often measure their success by their achievements, so if someone else seems ahead, they start doubting themselves. But Capricorns are also super determined, so once they stop comparing themselves, they get back on track and work even harder.


Do all zodiac signs feel jealous?

Yes, everyone feels jealous sometimes, but some signs feel it more strongly.

Why do these signs feel jealous often?

It’s part of their personality. They’re sensitive, competitive, or care a lot about success.

How can these signs stop feeling jealous?

By focusing on their own progress and learning to celebrate others’ success.

Does jealousy make these signs bad people?

Not at all! Feeling jealous is normal. It’s how you handle it that counts.

Can other zodiac signs feel jealous too?

Of course! All signs can feel jealous—it just depends on the situation.

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